Louisiana Round Dance Association


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LRDA Teachers and Cuers
(*denotes cuer)

Richard* & Frances Matthews  
Tammany Twirlers
    404 Pine Forest Drive, Slidell, LA 70458-1714

Barbara May  (Honorary) 
Swing & Sway

    2525 Vulcan St., Harvey, LA 70058

Martin* and Doris Philyaw
Red River Rounders
(318-402-5115 (him), 318-393-3150 (her))

355 Kingston Road, Benton, LA 71006
Jack* & Christa Gail Pointer
Bayou Square-A-Rounds
12346 Marilyn Lane, Hammond, LA 70403

Jerry & Frances* Stinson  
3D Round Dancers

    (318-255-3113) ,
    2205 N. Vienna., Ruston, LA 71270

Ken and Cindy Vantiger
Southern Swingers
5406 Modica Lott Road
Bossier City, LA 71111-7602


Fred* and Linda Ayres
(club tba)
1413 Rosedown Street
Longview, TX  75604-3537

Fred and Cathy* Fisher
Rockin' Rounders
47 Hayes Hill, Conway, AR   72032


Additions?  Corrections?

Richard Matthews
Webmaster, Editor